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Breathe Through Birth!


The breath is the most undervalued, underused tool we as human beings have. Breathwork can be used for any and all experiences, particularly during labour. Whether you’re planning a natural birth, a medicated birth or have no plan at all, learning to breathe correctly will be extremely beneficial.


This eBook is for all pregnant women (and their partners) to teach you specific breathing & visualisation techniques for labour. I’ll walk you through breathwork for stages 1 & 2 of labour as well as visualisation & mindfulness techniques to help keep your body/mind calm and relaxed.


The contents of this eBook is based off personal experience, planning and my knowledge as an accredited breathwork/meditation practitioner.


I can't wait to empower you on your birthing journey.


All my love,

Courtney x 



Breathe Through Birth eBook

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    Each eBook purchase is subject to ONE user and subject to copyright protection. Sharing your download link is prohibited and may result in immediate deactivation of your digital download. Thank you so much for your support and your honestly. 

    All purchases for digital downloads made are non-refundable due to the intangibility of the product. Thank you for understanding. 

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